The most unique tree in which grow 40 different kinds of fruit
From a distant distance this tree may look like any other tree, but if you look carefully you will discover leaves of different sizes in harmony with one another. This is the work of Sam Van Aken, a professor at Sirakuza University and a contemporary artist who created the hybrid tree with 40 different types of fruit growing at the same time.
The 40-fruit tree is a constant project for Van Aken, who is looking to change and improve his method of designing unique hybrids. He created every branch through 'chip grafting', with which he took a branch that had already begun to flourish and transplanted it onto his work tree.
This process lasted for eight or nine years. "It started as an art project," Sam told 'TIME'. "I wanted people to have this experience, where a tree is in bloom with all these different colors, or by growing all these different kinds of fruits." Now, Sam cultivates fruit varieties in his trees, in smaller quantities. He aspires to sell trees all over the country. Sam hopes that they will be placed in places where people can taste the fruits.
Each of them has 40 types of fruit, peaches, plums, apricots, nectarines, cherries and almonds in the branches (many of these antique fruits you can not find in commercial stores). In spring, the trees blossom beautiful flowers, while the fruits grow in the summer. And yes, the fruits are edible.
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